
march's fab-mama-jama is...

BROOK-ay!  well, i call her that on occasion ;)  her name is brooke.  she's an at-ease mama of two cutie pies, hudson and elaina, and a fun-loving wifey to her man nate-dogg (okay, i call him that on occasion), i mean nate ;)  already you can probably tell w/ the way i joke w/ her and her husband, brooke is a hoot and a joy to be around.  i admire her positive energy and love her silly sense of humor.  she's someone that doesn't take herself too seriously, but she does takes her mom, wife, teacher, friend, volunteer roles seriously...and in most of these roles, she uses her cooking to show she cares :)

meet brooke...

*what did you want to be when you "grew up"?*

Growing up my career choice changed daily! I wanted to be a doctor, a mommy, a Sea World trainer, a lawyer, a singer, a politician, the list went on and on.  The one thing that was always on my list was teacher. I loved kids and I knew that when I when I grew up I wanted to help people. And, if you ask my sister and brother I was very good at telling people what to do! ;)

*what is your best memory of your mom?*

My mom worked full time growing up but I don't ever remember her being tired. She would always come home and cook a good dinner and whenever possible she would have us sit around the table and eat as a family. Some of my best memories are of these times. She would also wake up on Saturdays and make us homemade biscuits or pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse.  I can imagine after working all week sleeping in on Saturday would have been something she would have liked to do, but she rarely did that. My mom was and still is a very selfless person.

*what do you do to relax?*

Relax...what is that!!  When I do get the time I love to read, cook and workout. Running (I know some of you will think I'm crazy) is very relaxing to me. I love being out there by myself, listening to music and just being alone. It is very relaxing to me.  I also come back after a good run, a very happy mommy!

*what is your favorite activity w/ each child?*

Now that my kids are getting older I am beginning to see just how different they are and it is really neat. I try to do things with just that one kid throughout the week, but I am not always very successful.

Hudson: This boy has a huge imagination and he loves when I participate with him! Playing Batman, legos, or just going outside to play any game he picks is fun for him. He got a bike for Christmas so this is his new favorite activity. He can ride it with no help, but he just likes me to be outside with him so he can talk my ear off!

Elaina: This girl LOVES her books. He favorite thing to do is to read. She loves it when I read books with her. Her favorite book right now is Knuffle Bunny. It's a cute story (you should all buy it). Right now her big thing is "I help!"  she wants to do anything that I am doing and she wants to help. She loves cooking with me, putting makeup on with me or fixing my hair with her new princess hair kit!  It's very cute and sweet!

*everything you cook and bake is super yummy, where did the love for yummy-making come from?*

My love for cooking comes from my mom and aunt. Those two ladies are the best cooks in the world.  I never thought I would be able to cook like them so I never really got into cooking until about 4 years ago. I got a Barefoot Contessa cookbook for Christmas and the recipes looked fun to make so I started trying some out.  Then I began attempting some of my aunts and moms recipes and I guess the rest is history! This Christmas my aunt gave me a framed recipe of my Mamaw's pecan pie.  It was her original recipe. It is probably one of the best gifts I have ever received. My mom and aunt say that my Mamaw was one of the best cooks they knew so maybe it started with her...

*what recipe does your fam love the most?*

I asked my husband what recipe he liked the best and he said everything I make is great. (He is such a kiss-up!) So, I told him he had to think of one and he came up with Santa Fe Soup and sweet corn bread. It's a great cold weather recipe!

*what is your best kept recipe?*

Sausage Bread!! I am not sure that this recipe is a big secret but it is one of my favorites. It is actually a recipe that my aunt made up. I don't even know if I have the recipe written down. It is one of those that I can do from memory! It is simply delicious!!
I do have a secret spice that I like to add to a lot of my dishes...but I'm not telling you that!! ;)

and speaking of secrets...it was killing me to keep this post from going "live" for so long.  poor brooke answered my questions and took pictures back in january, and she has had to wait until now to get her surprise (sorry girl, you know how i am!)!  when choosing that certain someone to share some kind words about this special lady, i knew w/o a doubt who to go to...her mom...and brooke, i hope this was worth the wait...

One of the greatest joys a mother can have is to watch her own daughter become a mother.  It was a very rewarding experience to watch my oldest daughter, Brooke, become a mother when Hudson was born.  It touches your heart in ways that are hard to explain.   Often, you see your children as little ones they once were and you forget they are grown adults with families of their own. 
Brooke is an amazing young mother, her patience and sense of humor with Elaina and Hudson never ceases to amaze me.  She handles each situation with grace and love and never seems to get her feathers “too” ruffled.   She enjoys her children and takes time with them, which is one of the greatest gifts she can give them.
Brooke loves her family and has created a warm and caring Christian home for them.  She has created many wonderful memories for Hudson and Elaina and I know she will create many more in the years to come.
I am proud of all my children’s accomplishments, however, watching Brooke, as a mother is a special accomplishment/bond only a mother and daughter can share. Brooke has made me a proud mother and I know one day her children will be writing the same thing about her.  She brings such joy, laughter and happiness to our family and many others.

brooke, you are a lovely lady that i'm blessed to call friend.  you are a wonderful role model of a working mom, a supportive wife and nurturing mother.  i'm always impressed how you handle life w/ ease.  i know i haven't sat in your classroom, but witnessing your kind, natural way w/ children, i only hope my girls have a teacher like you!  you are one of the most encouraging and supportive people i know.  thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders...you know how to make this blogger feel special ;)  i just hope i can persuade you to blog about your delicious recipes...
much, much love to you BRRROOOK-ay!


p.s.--that santa fe soup recipe will be posted soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Christina3/23/2012

    Awwww....so much love!! Was in tears before I could finish reading! Brooke, it's all so true and I think that we all admire you in so many ways. I know I'm sitting here thinking about how many times I have told Madison I'm too tired....I've always admired the Energizer Bunny in you. :) Your family is lucky to have you!! :) Love you bunches! (...be careful not to let it go to your head though) ;)
