
i'm not a student...

but i was def on spring break :)  i enjoyed some ME time, hubby and wife time, Girrrl time, and FaMiLy time this past week.  i had SO much fun and feel very blessed.  last night i was wondering what my week's posts were going to include.  and after catching up on my daily devotional :/  (yeah, i was a little behind i hate to admit) i found saturday's read a must share...

"When no one else seems to understand you, simply draw closer to Me.  Rejoice in the One who understands you completely and loves you perfectly.  As I fill you with My Love, you become a reservoir of love, overflowing into the lives of other people."

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence

there were several occasions in the last week that i felt "misunderstood" and honestly, i think it happens A LOT.  and i used to worry about this A LOT.  in every instance i would try to remedy the situation and explain myself so that there was no false assumptions, no feelings hurt, etc.  and for whatever reason, over the last few years, i just don't worry as much.  i feel like i can't worry much.  i'm mentally exhausted enough w/ raising two little ones and being a homemaker as it is!  it's not to say that i just don't care what people think of me...sure, it crosses my mind, but when it comes down to it, if someone doesn't "get me", thinks i have "ulterior motives" or thinks i'm "loca in the cabeza"...oh well!  i know (or at least hope) that those who are near and dear to me...know me.  and i pray that those who aren't that near to me, see the goodness that comes from me and accepts all the quirkiness that comes w/ it!  from time to time, i worry that this may come across as rude and feel that i may have lost some sense of grace and loveliness w/ becoming a young mom and/or a 30-something.  seriously, i used to speak w/ a little bit of eloquence and didn't feel that when i open my mouth darts come flying out (but cute, cupid darts w/ hearts wrapped in bows)... a sweet friend of mine has told me that i "have a gift w/ the written word", and every time she tells me this, i laugh and say, "i'm better at writing than speaking b/c i have time to think about each word.  when i'm talking my brain doesn't work fast enough and who knows how thoughts are going to come out!"  no really, i've lost brain cells through college, giving birth and...giving birth, and i can't seem to speak correctly most of the time!  but what it all comes down to is that my Lord knows me...my mind, my heart, my soul and that there is love and goodness there.  and hopefully, a few of you out there are sprinkled by this love among those who may get the "wrong idea".

i know i'm not the only one that feels that way...esp women.  and that's why i wanted to share the above excerpt.  find peace in the One who knows and understands you.  His opinion is what matters.

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