
post-baby hair loss...

...and waiting for the hair to come back!!!

i took this pic about three weeks ago b/c i wanted to start documenting my hair growth....uhhhh, yeah, i know it's weird, but these little hairs around my face are driving me crazy, and i want to see if my hair is really growing!  for those of you who don't know, it is normal to experience an insane amount of hair loss after having a baby.  yea for me!...i lost a ton of hair w/ both of my girls.  it starts around 3 or 4 months after your little one is born.  hair was coming out of my head like i had cancer.  after i had my first baby, i started noticing it when i would wash or brush my hair.   you know that movie "the craft"?  it's about four high school girls that practice witch craft and the really mean one puts a spell on the nice, pretty girl and she loses all her hair...i totally remember the scene, you can tell she has a fake bald cap on top of her head and she runs her fingers thru her hair and it just keeps coming out...yeah, it's just like that!  okay, maybe a little dramatic, but it's scary when you have never heard of this happening!  HOR-MOANS!!!  anyway, after noticing it while showering and brushing my hair, i noticed it all over the floor (as did my husband).  i mean crazy amount of hair all over the place...okay, i think you get the picture.  so, i was mentally prepared after my second baby, but i was a little hopeful that it wouldn't happen again.  it did and my sweet sophia is almost 13 months old and here is where i am...

you're prob looking at these snapshots and are wondering, "is there a difference?"  YES!  YES, THERE IS!  i honestly wasn't sure if my hair was going to grow anymore and if i was just going to be sporting lovely little hairs all around my face (that love to curl up in the humidity!), but i can see progress :)

and yes, she is totally worth it ;)

so, for those of you experiencing this lovely "side-effect" post prego-ness...it will come back!


  1. Love the picture of you two. Makes me smile. :)

  2. Ha! You make me smile too:) LOVE post baby hair loss...can't wait! But yes, they are totally worth it!!
