
our very first...

fab mama-jama of the month!!!

her name is angela, and a few of us call her "super mom".  i've been blessed to get to know this lady through our small bible study group at church.  she always seems at ease, joyful and her children reflect this as well.  she laughs when we tell her this and promises there are moments of melt-downs (both babies and herself), but it's just one more reason to love her.  she's sincere, honest and i just couldn't wait to BRAG about her ;)  not only is she a fab mama-jama, seeing her and her hubby together, i imagine she gets an A+ in the wife department, but what do i know...so, her sweet hubby chris has a few words to say...

Angela is the most selfless person I have ever come across when it comes to her family and friends. Every day Angela always goes out of her way to make sure the kids get the most out of there day educationally and have fun while doing it. Angela also takes this same attitude when it comes to her professional life as well. When working on her Photography, Angela is able to capture people in there true to life beauty and does not stop working until everyone is happy. Angela has been the biggest blessing in my life. 

angela wilson: wife, mom, friend and photographer

i emailed her a few questions acting as our interview...she has a newborn and two toddlers at home so uninterrupted time doesn't come easy these days!  meet angela...

*what did you do want to be when you "grew up"?*

Oh goodness! Well, I can honestly say that I was quite a day dreamer. I would imagine myself as a singer or dancer with an amazingly attractive husband of course and a family full of kids! Most people would not even know this though since I was always such a quiet little girl. Once I finally realized what a career actually was I became a little more practical and wanted to own a daycare. I have always adored little children and for some reason, they like me too! I am now a wife, mom, nurse and a photographer!

*growing up, what is your best memory of your mom?*

The best thing about my mom is her honesty with me. She has always told me things exactly how they were and I have always been able to tell her anything. Being able to communicate is so important, therefore I feel blessed that my mother and I have always been able to communicate with each other.

*what do you do to relax?*

Relaxing right now would be amazing! Nothing is better than a good book and my elliptical...I could do it for hours and get off feeling totally refreshed! I love to read anything and everything from the Bible to silly girl novels! I would LOVE to say that I walked on the beach everyday because nothing is more relaxing than the beautiful ocean and sun, but well, that just doesn't happen! I absolutely love to sweat, love to work out and love the ocean and beautiful sun! I think I feel relaxed just thinking about it all!

*what is your favorite activity w/ each child?*

- Austin is my 4 year old and I love our alone time together. He is the sweetest boy around and we just have the best time when it is just the two of us. It doesn't matter what we do because he is always fun to have around. He loves to just cuddle, play outside or even shop with me! 
- Reagan is my 2 year old daughter and I really enjoy our girlie moments. She loves having "pink toes" and enjoys getting ready with me when I am trying to make myself pretty! She has her own make up bag, hair dryer, brush and curling iron that she uses right by my side when I get ready. She also has a blast going to Hobby Lobby with me or "Hobby Wobby" as she likes to say.
- Anderson is 7 weeks today and I just enjoy his little baby self! I got the first smile from him last night which just melted my heart. I also cherish my nap time with the little cutie. We do not plan on having other children so I am really trying to savor the baby in him!

*how did you get into photography?*

I have always taken tons of pictures as a child and could look at old photos for days. Photography became my cherished hobby around Jan of 2010 when I purchased my first Nikon and took photography classes in order to capture every moment of our childrens' lives! My passion for capturing every little moment has grown now into a side career for me. As a mother of 3 precious children I want to try and record every little detail of their lives, and there is no better way to do it than with a camera! My children already love reading their photo books and talking about past birthday parties, friends and families. My goal as a photographer is to capture that special moment for my client. I love close shots of beautiful eyes, hands and tiny toes! Children are only little for so long so I want to make sure I get the little details on camera for my clients since it I know how difficult it can be for parents to take care of their children and take a picture at the same time! 

*what made you decide to start your own business?*

I have always known I would own my own business and when photography came into my life, I knew I could make it into something more than a passion! I am such a "daddy's girl" and since my father owned and ran his own business, I have always had the confidence that I could and would do the same!

i've had angela take photos of both my girls twice now, and i'd love to share the last photo-shoot we had for sophia's first birthday AND some sweet sister shots!  here are just a few :)

angela brought balloons and i brought sophia's banner from the party :)

angela is SO good w/ kids!!

she also brought this cute gift prop

i adore this shot

no words...

one of those shots where she just keeps snappin' away and captures great shots!

sophia is almost DONE, but angela keeps her goin' :)


i loved isabella's outfit so much i just had to get some shots of her alone...angela sweetly obliged

hey, her birthday is just around the corner ;)

as if this post couldn't get any better...it does!  there's a GIVE AWAY from angela wilson photography!!!

**One Free Baby/Child Session at location of their choice. Like me on facebook and comment on at least one photo**

in 2 weeks there will be a drawing!

angela, i love your smile...your children are a pair of sweet hearts...you serve yummy, healthy lunches to my kids AND me all the while w/ a newborn bundled up on a sling w/ you...you are a FANTASTIC photographer and captured some wonderful memories that i never could.  THANK YOU!!!



  1. Hey! Thanks so much for the kind words! You and your girls are amazing! Such an honor to capture their beauty and to have you as friends!

  2. Brooke7/26/2011

    What a perfect lady to choose! We love you Angela! You are a beautiful person inside and out!
