
why hello...

i'm here, back again, for more blogging fun.  i used to blog and loved it.  i mainly blogged about my pregnancy, then having a baby and then just the weekly events of our family.  unfortunately, it became a chore.  i felt like many looked forward to it (which is good, right?) but it was to see pictures from every outing and every growing day of our little one.  i felt stressed out about not keeping up w/ it.  so, i quit.  over the years i missed it.  so many random thoughts and funny moments that happen to this 30-something, stay-at-home mama should be shared.  okay, maybe it's not SO important that everyone SHOULD hear about them, but i  sure love heytelling (if you don't know what this is, GET IT!) my girlfriends throughout the day about my cat's poo hanging from her booty or the fact that it's noon and have yet to brush my teeth :)  and yes, there is facebook, but i don't think three sentence-long status updates are cool.  before facebook i would sometimes email a few ladies about a funny convo w/ the hubs just to share...or vent about how the laundry never ends and i need a cocktail :)  yup.  no need for a response, just want to share my dandy life.  besides, i seriously need to rid my brain of some of these thoughts just so i have space to remember what i want to say next...

SO, i'm back in the blogging world, but this time it's just about me!  is that so bad?  and while a HUGE part of me is about my family that i adore, i won't feel the pressure of uploading photos from the week or detailing every single milestone of our growing girls.  BUT i'm sure this will happen A LOT.

me + my faith + my family + my hobbies + my randomness= my dandy life


  1. Sandra...I'm so excited to see what you have in store for us! You are such an amazing woman. It's definitely time to start making ourselves a priority! Have fun.

  2. awe, thanks perita ;) hugs to you!!
