

what a day!  after finishing my post last night, i worked on some dandies orders and hit the hay!  after a good night's sleep (and a dream of being back in high school, the week of prom and realizing i didn't have a date!), i woke up this morning w/ much desire to DO, DO, DO!  w/ holidays, family visiting, traveling, decorations, and no time to spare for any real cleaning, this house was turned upside down, shakin' and stirred!  and i didn't quite know where to start.  yes i did...coffee :)  thankfully, isabella had a playmate over who kept both girls entertained for part of the day.  more dandies done, Christmas decor down and in the attic!, rooms vacuumed, furniture dusted, groceries purchased!, and even a blog post ;)  someone must've slipped a little something extra in my cup of joe this morning!

now, in case you were wondering, no, i have NOT forgotten about my monthly fab-mama-jamas!  they will be gracing your technical screen w/ in the month :)  hopefully, two back-to-back depending on the awesome angela wilson and the two lovely ladies' schedules.

and speaking of schedules, i need a new bill planner for 2012.  really, it's a normal weekly/monthly planner that i use just for paying bills.  so, my goal tomorrow is to buy two...one for me and one for ONE of you :)  leave a comment and tell me what your new year's resolution is.  i'll pick the most ambitious one and send the over-achieving lady a new 2012 planner.  BBBAAAAHHHH!!!  okay, j/k...i'll just draw a name friday the 6th ;)  so, you lovely ladies who tell me they always want to comment but read my blog on their phone...figure it out!  lol..."oh, i'm just teasing, you're adorable."  okay, and whoever can guess that line first will win this...

it's a small version of one i printed for my lovely lady lair :)  it will be glitterized a tad ;)

one of my new year's resolutions is to keep up w/ a daily devotional...daily.  here is an excerpt from yesterday's JESUS CALLING: ENJOYING PEACE IN HIS PRESENCE...

"A close walk with Me is a life of continual newness.  Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year.  Instead, seek My Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind."

thank you ginny ;)


  1. Love the devotional! Can't wait to see what you write in 2012. Xoxo

  2. Brooke1/03/2012

    Yeah! I love new year resolutions! Mine this year is to try and make one new recipe a week for dinner. I am going to use your bruschetta chicken bake! We will see...
    Oh and movie quote...Tangled? That's just a stab in the dark!
    Thanks for the fabulous blog!

  3. Anonymous1/04/2012

    I love resolutions also...mine this year is to read one NON-FICTION book a month. I'm still looking for my first one. So, we shall see and I agree with Brooke I think the quote is from tangled. Have a good day!


  4. I am not a resolution Lady but always have goals...so here are a few: - to organize our family schedule, - to have more intentional prayer time & - to try and always be "in the moment" and not always thinking about future plans. Quote is def from "Tangled!" Love your blog and just did all this on my phone:)

  5. thanks for sharing ladies!!

    brooke, your recipe-a-week resolution is quite fitting ;) and should turn into a blog!

    amy, let me know which book you decide on!

    angela, i think i might be able to help you w/ the family schedule ;)

    love ya girls!
