
panko bread crumbs saved my life...

okay, not really, BUT they sure did help me out tonight!  i was trying out another broccoli recipe i found on pinterest.  one cup of italian seasoned bread crumbs were to be used in these broccoli bites (click the link for the recipe!).  so, i poured the crumbs into a one-cup measuring cup, only to find out i had just about 3/4 cup of crumbs.  i walked to the pantry w/ hopeful steps thinking i might have something to substitute that last 1/4 cup.  PANKO!  i walked back to the measuring cup and was totally grossed out to see BUGS IN THE BREADCRUMBS!!!  EEEEWWWWWW!!!!!  barf!  puke!  BLEGGGHHH!!!!

soooooo, i poured them out, tried not to barf and used a whole cup of panko bread crumbs and sprinkled about a table spoon of italian seasoning into them.  i should have added salt, but they still tasted yummy w/ my mama's leftover spaghetti :)  sophia ate A LOT of them, and i'm hoping there won't be any gas pains :/  but so glad to get some green veggies in today!

aaand, most of them were not bite-size, lol

another awesome mom moment today...while waiting for isabella during her dance class, i handed sophia her sippy cup from my bag.  ten minutes later i reached into my bag to find the sippy cup i filled up for her today, and i quickly realized i had given her a cup that had been in my purse from yesterday...awesome.  at least it was juice and not milk, right??

awesome mom moment number three...opened the washer to start a new load, but found a huge load of damp clothes in there already.  i cannot for the life of me remember when i put that load in there  :/

but hey, at the end of the day, the house didn't burn down, no one broke any bones, and the hubby was extra complimentary on how nice the house looked...it was a good day!

and b/c the picture of the broccoli isn't the best (and b/c i just had to share this lovely moment)...

my little ladies just lovin' on each other

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