
my plan...

was to tell you about the sweet surprise jason gave me for our anniversary and the sweet quote in my card, but then i realized today was the date i had wanted to get married.  october 27th.  my parents married on that day, and unfortunately, i just remembered that as i started this blog post.  i forgot and i spent most of the day w/ my mom today.  my dad passed away 13 years ago so i cannot imagine what this day brings.  she even suggested we stop for cupcakes, and now i'm wondering if it was b/c she was celebrating.  my mom happens to be staying the night, and i rushed to her room to tell her happy anniversary, but she's sleeping, and i feel terrible that i didn't do something special for her.  i cry at this, and jason walks in.  i explain and he says i still have time.  i tell him my mom will just think i'm crazy and roll over and go back to sleep.  but i do it anyway...

me - mom *whispering*
mom - you scared me (in spanish) *squinting her eyes*
me - happy anniversary, i'm sorry i forgot
mom - what? today was the 27th? (i know she's acting)  mumbles, turns over and asks if it's raining
me - yes, it is...goodnight.

ugh.  i should've just waited until the morning w/ a stack of pancakes!!!!!  my hubby tried to cheer me up, but i still feel horrible.  hopefully, my pancakes and the cooler weather tomorrow will make up for it :)

i just had to share photos my beautiful parents...

proud marine

the original pic w/ hand written note to my dad

mr. & mrs. arnoldo de alejandro

they met at a party where my dad had brought a date, but my mom caught his eye ;)  they fell in love, married and raised four children.  my dad worked very hard to raise his family in a small suburb of houston that was quite different from the small towns in south texas.  my mom always had dinner ready for him when he came home from work.  she kept a clean and tidy house, and it always felt like a warm home.  my dad wasn't big on pda, but one of my favorite memories of them together is my mom standing at the stove cooking...my dad sneaking up behind her, putting his arms around her and tickling her neck.  it was sweet, and she always smiled.

i'm here b/c two people fell in love, and isn't that lovely? ;)


  1. Mary Weatherall10/28/2011

    I am sitting here with tears flowing down my face. Sandra, I am so honored to be in your life and am also thankful that these two beautiful people fell in love. You have a true gift for conveying emotion through the written word. Keep calm & sparkle on!

  2. Seriously, I'm crying at work! What a great post and please tell Betulia she is absolutely gorgeous and it's very clear where you kids get it!

  3. ....and you just made me cry... Awesome story:)

  4. awe, marrrry, thank you!!! and telisa, i will tell her you gorgeous comment but not the betulia part, lol! angela, and all of you, i'm sorry to bring on the tears, but i'm glad you enjoyed their story. honestly, i would've liked to share more, but i will have to do that another day :)

  5. you have such a good heart...i know our girls are going to be just as loving, thoughtful and tender-hearted as you are

  6. thank you mister...you made my day :)
