
she's a 4 year old...

...and for some reason i forget that.  A LOT.  i just don't understand it when my child whines over the silliest things or draws w/ a marker on her friend...SERIOUSLY!!??  i don't get it, and for the most part don't stand for it.  but really there are times when i need to look at my little girl and remember just that...she is a little girl and in her world changing into a different dress is HUGE to her.  this happened today and i told her, "no, you already have a dress on and if you want to 'play dress-up' you have dress-up clothes for that."  i mean i have enough laundry to tackle...

she cries, whines and i'm thinking, "really?  we're going to cryyy over this??"  i then tell her, "if you are going to cry about this you can cry about it in your room," and i walk off.  and then it hits me (or maybe it was God) that i need to stop being tired and deal w/ it...show her grace.  so, i go into her room and start trying to get her into a good mood.  i'm being my goofy self, and she smiles.  i just love on her, and she just flipped that whininess into happiness.

one of her dress-up dresses...which is actually one of my dresses!

i hope i don't sound like a terrible mom and all of you are thinking, "duh!"...i just felt like sharing this little story b/c i need to remember that her life is all about pretending to be rapunzel, eating chocolate and playing w/ ponies...and not having a costume change can bring a girl to tears.

it's fun to see her play w/ toys that i used to play w/...of course mine were a tad smaller


  1. I love this post. I OFTEN ask the same thing...really? Tears? Over your pillow pet?! I forget what it was like to be 4and my biggest problem was getting around eating peas at dinner. Thanks for the reminder :)

  2. You're the farthest from a bad mom. The relationship you have with your girls is beautiful. It's a balance and daily struggle to promote their independence while at the same time giving them lots of love and attention. ;) it's nice to know we all have the same battles. Xoxo

  3. thanks ladies! so nice to have each other to cheer on...GO MOM! *spirit sprinkles*
